Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Lawson family Song...

A couple of days ago I was at my parents house for lunch and I'm sitting at the table with my mom and dad when my dad said he heard a song on the radio that reminded him so much of my family that he renamed it "The Lawson Family Song". Really its Lonestars song "My Front Porch Looking In", but once you see the words then you will know how well it truly fits my family. Here they are...

"There's a carrot top who can barely walk
With a sippy cup of milk
A little blue eyed blonde with shoes on wrong
'Cause she likes to dress herself
And the most beautiful girl holding both of them
And the view I love the most
Is my front porch looking in"

Thanks dad, I have always loved this song, but I love it even more now and it truly has a special meaning in my heart. I love hearing a song that puts an immediate smile on my face because it makes me think of the people I love the most. I love my little carrot top Cameron and my little Miss diva Samantha who really does have to dress herself, and who is in love with shoes.


Erin said...

That is so cute, you have an adorable family. Now I will always think of you guys when I hear that song:)

Coil Fam said...

Yep, that song was written with you y'll in mind. Love it!!!

The Perks of Life! said...

That song is totally like your family! That's cute that Dad brought that up and thought of you guys. Sammie is my favorite and I hope that I have a little girl with her same attitude one day.

Chris and Aubrey said...

You have the best front porch to look into and watch the fam. That song fits your family like a glove. Love ya.

Wrays said...

That is so true! now everytime I hear that song I will think of YOU! I love that song