Thursday, January 27, 2011

We took a snow day and did this...

... built a snowman
..rolled a snowball with no help.

...found the only dirt pile that was not covered in snow.

...was pushed down the hill by little brother,

and big sister.

And as a very wise four year old said, "had the best day ever".

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I want to go back to...

...CAlIfORniA, DiSNeYLaND, the BeAch,

...the pOOl, where we spent every night after dinner, laughing, swimming, having WaY to much fun.

... the PiER where Samantha and Cameron saw

the OCeAn for the first time

... the TIME we got to spend with just the five of us.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Mom

Happy Birthday to the most amazing Mother, Wife, Grandmother, Daughter and Friend. You are my rock and my strength. You are my sunshine and my JOY.

You are JOY to your grankids.
You are JOY to all those that know what it means to be the best.
We love you, and Happy, Happy Birthday
Love, Jake, D, Samantha, Cameron and Logan.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


This year for Samantha's fourth birthday we had a Fancy Nancy themed party, and ooh la la was it fancy.

We had three of Samantha's best friends join us for the party, and as you can tell by the pictures they all came in there most fancy apparel. (That is a fancy name for clothes)

When we handed out their invitations we gave them each their own, tutu, boa, and lace gloves, when they arrived at the party we had to accessories with some glasses, beads, tiara and rings, don't they look posh?!

We read Fancy Nancy books
Did mini photo shoots with each of the girls
Decorated there very own cupcakes

And had the most delightful tea party with heart shaped sandwiches, pink Italian Cream Sodas and Yogurt with whipped cream and sprinkles.

We learned how to call each other "darling" and hold our pinkie finger up when having a drink.

It was a wonderful party full of smiling girls, painting fingernails and giggling.

PS A huge shout out to my sister Erin and my Mom for helping me pull of such a fun party, could not have done it without your help.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Fancy 4th Samantha D

What a fancy, fun filled, fantastic couple of days we have had at the Lawson home. My sweet angel, my mini-me, my shadow has turned four years old.

Samantha, you truly are my best friend and my angel here on Earth. I love all the many, many conversations we have while in the car, doing your hair and eating dinner, you are never short of words. I love to watch you be an amazing big sister to Cameron and Logan, you are kind, loving, caring, filled with compassion, and such a great example to the two of them. You defiantly have the attitude "Life is a dance floor waiting to be danced on, jumped on, skipped on, and twirled on" and that to me is one of your best traits and characteristics.

And now a look back on these last four years...

Samantha these pictures show just a small glimpse of these past four years, from your first few hours in the NIC-U to us going to Disneyland, we have had and made some amazing memories. I love you and Happy, Happy Fourth Birthday, my Samantha D Lawson.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ice Fishing With Dad

Let me just say that there are many things that I want to be able to teach my children in their life, but as for teaching them how to fish, hunt, start a fire, gut an elk/deer, set up a tent, ride a four-wheeler, shoot a gun, shoot a bow, I will leave it up to Jake.

Because my children will have no better example or friend to teach them these life long skills.