Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Mothers Prayer...

As I lay by her side watching her DREAM I pray to my Father in Heaven “Father” I say, “keep HER my sweet angel; let her stay my little girl forever. Help me to be the Mother I know I can be and that thou would want me to be. Keep her safe… safe from illness, safe from harm, safe from the world. I LOVE her, and am so thankful for her, for her smile for her happiness for her selflessness. Help me to be more like her, more innocent, more kind and more loving. I know you have entrusted her to me too love, too teach and too care for, thank you. Thank you for giving her to me, for letting her go. Help me to give her all she needs and some of what she wants. I promise I will take care of her. I promise will love her.”


Shay said...

TOOOO Cute!!

Coil Fam said...

Wow! I do remember feeling that way when you were Sammie's age. That feeling of complete and total love for someone other than yourself. Someone you would easily give your life for I understand that love, I understand...

The Perks of Life! said...

D that's so sweet. You're making me want to have a baby. You're such a good mom, keep up the good work! You are the funnest/happiest/luckiest mom on the block. Love you and I miss you!