Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to an Elect Lady

Happy Birthday to an Elect Lady. To a lady who puts all of your needs before her own. To a lady who will show up at your house just to give her grand kids a kiss. To a lady that is always just a phone call away, even if you have to try the house phone, the cell phone and her work phone, you know she will answer one of them. To a Lady who will cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh. To a lady who raised 5 wonderful children. To a lady (grandma) of 11 grand kids. Happy Birthday to an Elect Lady that will be your best friend. A lady you can trust your dreams and your secrets with. Happy Birthday to a wonderful mother. I owe you so much and am so grateful for you and for that fact that I get to call you mom. Love me.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Off to Kindergarten...not really just dance class

If you know my Samantha D then you know that she can't just WALK anywhere, she has to dance, run, leap, bounce, twirl, skip, hop, jump to any place she is going. She often refers to herself as 'Tigger' because she just has to bounce all the time. For her Birthday we put her in DANCE class, and boy does she love it. On her first day at dance she walked into her class room like "I have arrived" she didn't even look back at me, she just did it. I was so proud of her and the confidence that she has as a three year old, but also a little sad. It was at that moment that she had truly grown up and had no baby or little, little girl in her. I almost felt like she was off to kindergarte. You mothers know that feeling that when your child has reached a mile marker or has accomplished something on there own that you yourself was not ready for them to do, she did it. I know some of you might be saying "its just dance class", but not for my Samantha. For her it was the fact that she had the confidence to walk into that class room without mom or dad and have the door shut behind her. I think one of my biggest fears as a mother for my children is, "will I be able to give them or help build up the confidence they need as they grow up". My fear has been somewhat diminished, at least for Samantha. Its amazing how one little dance class one day a week has changed her confidence. She often says, "I can do it mom, because I am in dance". I love her for that. And I hope she never looses that attitude in life "I have arrived and I can do it".

Happy Birthday Samantha D

Happy Birthday my Samantha D. What a blessing you are in my life and in the life of all those around you. I can't even believe that you are three and as you say it " I am so big". Yes, you are so big Samantha. I am so happy to be your mother. I look forward to these many wonderful years we will have together as our friendship grows and as you grow. I love you and am so proud of you and what a wonderful, fun, loving, energetic, happy, smiley, bouncy little girl you are. Happy THIRD Birthday my Sammie D I love you, Love MOM.