Monday, February 1, 2010

When I ...

...Sneeze, hick-up, cough, jump, trip, throw up, laugh, cry, run, walk, stub my toe, sit down and stand up, I pee my pants.

I will never again be able too...

... Jump on the tramp, jump rope, do jumping jacks, let’s just say JUMP.

Yes, at age 25 and pregnant with my third child I have lost complete bladder control, and YES I am able to laugh about it... while peeing my pants of course.


Anonymous said...

You are so funny! That is how I was with Gabe! We should start a club! :)

Chris and Aubrey said...

Love it. Only a mother who has been through it understands. I have extra diapers if you need any.

peckette said...

I know exactly what youare talking about! LOL

The Perks of Life! said...

Haha that's funny.