Genetics? Are they good or bad? If you look at Cameron's beautiful red hair or Samantha's amazing smile and red full lips then yes they are a good thing. But along with all the good does come a little bad. When Jake was three years old he had to have is tonsils out as well as his adenoids...twice. I had mine taken out when I was 18..but just once. Now if you ask me our kids don't have a very fare chance of keeping their tonsils or adenoids now do they? Nope they don't. Samantha had her adenoids taken out 3 days after her first birthday. And we just took Cameron in too see the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor) yesterday. They said he has 90% nasal blockage and fluid in both ears. Now a little adenoid lesson. Your adenoids are not suppose to reach full size until about age 7 or 8. His at age 17 months are full grown, on a scale of 1-4 in size his are a "definite 4" as the Doctor said. That is how Jake's were and Samantha's and now Cameron, huge at a young age. So on February 23rd Cameron will be having is adenoids out and tubes placed in his ears. I don't want him to have to get this done, but could you imagine being able to only breath through your mouth 100% of the time because you have a permanent stuffed up nose? I couldn't, how miserable he must feel, but like Jake said, "Samantha was fine within just a few days and so will Cameron". So here is to Genetics. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful you make us who we all are.
Dang I'm sorry! It will all be worth it though once that little guy gets to feeling better. Hopefully he doesn't have to have them out twice!
All will be well. It's scary when you child needs to have surgery but you guys are doing the right thing.
Poor little Cameron. It will be so worth it though, I can't even imagine how he feels right now. He is such a happy baby, what a trooper!
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