Me and Cameron all bundled up
Jake, Samantha and Cameron, I don't know about you, but I don't think Cameron looks all that excited to be doing this.
Jake and I on our Wedding day.
I love how she totally gets into it, eyes closed, arms moving. She is going to be the big STAR in this family.
Congratulations Mrs. Perkins, the new 7th grade health teacher. Wow!!! I am so extremly proud of you. I get how hard you have worked to get to this point and there is no other person more deserving and more qualified for this position than you. You are so blessed and I know that it is because you work hard in everything you do, whether it is in school the gospel or in your relaitonships, you never give anything less than 100%.
I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS one more time on this amazing achievement and wonderful job. I love you and trully, trully am so proud of you. You really just grew up so much today in my eyes. My sweet little angel, lala, lars is a teacher. A health teacher wow!
Today while I was feeding Cameron Green Beans Samantha was sitting at the table helping me. I love too see the two of them look at each other. This video is of Samantha saying "BOO" to Cameron and Cameron just laughing up a storm. I can't believe that he is already this big. I love my two Angels so much. And I can't wait to see what best friends they will become as they both get bigger.
Jake was most excited for this trip because he was going to get to go fishing at his "secret pond" that he hadn't been too for years. Here he is in his fishing boat. I think if I would have told Jake this wasn't Heaven he wouldn't have believed me. He truly does love the outdoors.
Here is Samantha throwing rocks into Jake's "secret pond". We did this for about 2 hours while Jake was fishing. There was not one rock left on that shore bank when Samantha left.
The car ride home, Sammie waving bye, bye to all the fun she had had, in her sleep.
We had so much fun and the best part of it was that we were able to share part of this trip with my dad. Him and Jake went fishing together on Henry's Lake and then my dad took us up to his parents house and then we went and walked around down town. Thanks Dad for making this trip so much fun and for letting the three of us join you on your yearly fishing trip. I would also like to thank Jake for taking me up to Yellow Stone. Jake and I have been up there every year sense we meet. That was our 4Th trip up there and I love it more every time we go. This is a tradition that we just happen to make, that is one of my favorites. And if you need to know how often Old Faithful goes off just ask Jake, he knows.